Booneville church of Christ is dedicated to restoring the love, faith and practice of New Testament Christianity. We understand that our time and resources here are to be spent serving our fellow man to the glory of God. We continually strive to spread the Gospel through such efforts as world-wide mission work, youth ministries, elder care, technology ministries, community services, and a rock-solid scriptural message. Our congregation has recently reached 100 years of age, but we recognize that we are just a small part of the 2,000-year old church, founded by our Lord as stated in Matthew 16:15-19, and we strive to worship in accordance with God's divine plan as set forth in the New Testament. We believe that everyone is valuable in God's sight, because we all have a soul that will live eternally somewhere. Therefore, we continually strive to teach and preach the sincere, simple truth of the Gospel message. We invite you to come worship with us as we grow toward our common goal of an eternity in Heaven.
We cordially invite you to become a part of the family that makes up the Booneville Church of Christ. We are eager to know you and we are excited to share with you the great ways God is working among our church family. It won’t take you long to discover that this is truly a family, rich in relationships that matter most. Growing together, we worship, we serve, we laugh, we cry, we learn, and we reach out to the world with God’s saving truth.
As we worship together, we desire to worship the Lord to the best of our abilities and we truly hope that the time you spend in worship with our church family will be pleasing to the Lord and uplifting to you. We reach out to you as a neighbor and friend. Our doors are open. Our hearts are open. We want you to feel at home here and become a part of our family.
We cordially invite you to become a part of the family that makes up the Booneville Church of Christ. We are eager to know you and we are excited to share with you the great ways God is working among our church family. It won’t take you long to discover that this is truly a family, rich in relationships that matter most. Growing together, we worship, we serve, we laugh, we cry, we learn, and we reach out to the world with God’s saving truth.
As we worship together, we desire to worship the Lord to the best of our abilities and we truly hope that the time you spend in worship with our church family will be pleasing to the Lord and uplifting to you. We reach out to you as a neighbor and friend. Our doors are open. Our hearts are open. We want you to feel at home here and become a part of our family.
· Who we are...
You’ll find that you probably know many of us already. We’re a family of over 300 that are your neighbors and friends, ball coaches, teachers, nurses, service professionals, factory workers and a whole lot of just plain folk! We are just a “big country church” that happens to be in the middle of town. We promise to do our best to welcome you when you visit with us, but at the same time, we’ll not embarrass you in any way!
· Where we are...
You’ll find our church building and facilities located at 406 North Second street. Our church building is not the church, but we try to use our church building and facilities to glorify God. You’ll find our church building with an auditorium and several classrooms along with the annex (used as a large classroom and for fellowship meals, wedding showers, etc.), the student center (for our NEMCC students), and the nest (for our young people).
· When we worship...
We meet at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday morning and 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday evening for Bible classes. We meet at 10:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Sunday for worship time. A nursery is available. Personal amplified hearing devices are available. We are available. The only thing missing is you!
· What we do in worship...
At the beginning of worship time, one of elders will welcome everyone and read from Scripture. You are then invited to join in our singing as we sing praises to God. You are welcome to use the song book or look at the words projected on a screen. Since the Bible does not mention allowing instrumental music in the New Testament, we sing only with our voices. There will be a scripture reading and several prayers throughout the service. The preacher will provide us a lesson from God’s word, and it will be practical, relevant and Biblically based. There will be an “order of worship” in your pew that will provide not only the order of our worship service, but will have some notes to allow you to follow along with the lesson for the day. At the close of the lesson, we will stand and sing an invitation song to encourage those who need to make some sort of spiritual commitment to do so. If you visit on a Sunday morning, the Lord’s Supper will be included at this time. A metal plate containing unleavened bread and then trays containing individual cups of grape juice will be passed down each pew. This is to commemorate the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ where he sacrificed his body (represented by the unleavened bread) and shed his blood (represented by the grape juice). We follow the example of the first century Christians and partake of this every first day of the week. Finally, the weekly financial offering is taken from among the members. As our guest, you are not expected to make a donation. Just pass the plate along. As with the Lord’s Supper, we follow the example of the first century Christians and give every first day of the week. We try to do Bible things in Bible ways! Our service closes with a few announcements and closing prayer.