Young Adult Ministry
Our Young Adults enjoy numerous fellowship activities including a men’s softball team, parents’ nights out, football parties, and other family activities. They are also involved in many of our children’s and youth activities.
Mid-Adult Ministry
Our Mid-Adults are very active in the various programs of the church and enjoy numerous fellowship activities. Many of them are our Bible class teachers and help tremendously in the various ministries of the church.
Golden Circle (55+)
The Golden Circle has a calendar of events scheduled for each month. On the second Tuesday of each month the Golden Circle meets for a pot luck meal, program, and to conduct business if needed. In addition to elected officers, our Associate Minister, Jim Estes helps coordinate some of the group activities. Committees are formed as needed and do things such as propose the annual calendar of events, help with the Senior Adult Rally advertising, etc.
A typical month of Golden Circle activities will include lunch together on the 2nd Tuesday, breakfast together on the fourth Monday, and a day trip to some place of interest. The Golden Circle’s annual calendar helps people plan their involvement.
Twice a year a multi-day trip is planned. These trips provide opportunities for fun, fellowship, and periods of devotion to God.
The Golden Circle’s “marching orders” are captured in Colossians 3:23 (KJV) “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.“ The annual calendar includes social as well as spiritual activities. The Golden Circle recognizes its responsibility to lead by example. Therefore, our fellowship, service, and worship will be done “heartily:”
A typical month of Golden Circle activities will include lunch together on the 2nd Tuesday, breakfast together on the fourth Monday, and a day trip to some place of interest. The Golden Circle’s annual calendar helps people plan their involvement.
Twice a year a multi-day trip is planned. These trips provide opportunities for fun, fellowship, and periods of devotion to God.
The Golden Circle’s “marching orders” are captured in Colossians 3:23 (KJV) “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.“ The annual calendar includes social as well as spiritual activities. The Golden Circle recognizes its responsibility to lead by example. Therefore, our fellowship, service, and worship will be done “heartily:”