Our Missionaries
Foreign Missions We Financially Support
World Evangelism"The focus of the “World Evangelism” team is evangelism through radio, TV, printed materials, Bible training schools, seminars, and personal evangelism, in many countries of the world. Their goal is to be the bridge between supporting Christians and churches in the United States and foreign brethren who are the “boots on the ground” to carry the work to its point of fruition."
Biblical Institute of Central America"The Biblical Institute of Central America is implementing an exciting concept for teaching and training evangelists and church leaders to impact Central America for Christ. BICA began in 1998 with seven single students in El Progresso, Honduras. In the years since, two sister schools have been added in Guatemala City, Guatemala and Jinotepe, Nicaragua."
Amerindian MissionsPreaching the Gospel to the Amerindian People of Guyana, South America, with a goal of "having the Lord's church established in every village and a bible in every hut."
Missionaries & PreachersAs able, we provide support to other missionaries and preachers to assist them through school and in their efforts in foreign fields.